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Pokemon FireRed Cheats For Gameboy Advance

Access Mystery Islands 1-3 & 4-7:

To be able to access the first 3 mystery islands, you must defeat all 8 gym leaders.

To access mystery islands 4-7, you must then defeat the elite four to acquire the Rainbow Ticket.

How to get the running shoes:

To get the running shoes all you have to do is beat the Pewter City Gym and go and talk to the scientist on the right of the city.


To get either one of these pokemon for Fire Red you must get you eevee to like you fully then trade it over to Ruby or Sapphire during a certain time of day, since R/S Is always morning check the time on the game. Then trade the eevee over. During the day it will be espeon, during night it will be umbreon. You have to trade it over because there are no clocks in this game so there isn't really a time of day.

Mystery Gift:

Go to any Pokemon Mart and there should be a piece of paper on the table next to the store owner. If u read it, it should ask uto put down four words. Put down "LINK TOGETHER WITH ALL". The owner should say something. Shut off the Gameboy Advance, turn it back on, and Mystery Gift should be under new game.

Catch a rare pokemon:

Catch Deoxys-when you're in the rainbow islands look for an island that has a triangle pointing to a tree.ok now press the triangle and it will start spinning ok now don't touch the sides of the triangle let it spin until it stops spinning.if it is pointing to the tree the island will start moving like an earthquake happen you might want to save it before you spin the triangle anyways deoxys will appear where the tree was. It can transform into three kinds depending on the game.leaf green version will have the defense deoxys and fire red has the attack deoxys while pokemon emerald has the speed deoxys.

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