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Rayman Cheats For Gameboy

  • Level select

    Enter "CH5G4mS1jD" as case-sensitive password to access the world map with all levels unlocked.

  • 99 lives

    Pause the game, then press A, Right, B, Up, A, Left, B, Down, A, Right, B, Up, A, Left, B.

  • Full energy

    Pause the game, then press B, Right, A, Up, B, Left, A, Down, B, Right.

  • World map

    Pause the game, then press A, Left, A, Left, A, B, Right, B, Up, B, A, Left, A, Down, A.

  • All powers

    Pause the game, then press Right, Left, Up, Down, A, Up(2), Down(2), B, Right(2), Left(2), A.

    Game Shark Codes

    Note: You must have a 2.1 or higher version of the Game Shark to use these codes in a Game Boy Color system.

    Infinite Lives0163CBC7
    Infinite Hearts0105CAC7
    Infinite Tings0163C8C7

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