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Tomb Raider 3: Adventures of Lara Croft Cheats For Macintosh

To get all weapons and ammunition, complete all six of the following movements:

Draw your weapons
Take a step backward
Take a step forward
Crouch down, then stand up
Turn around three times
Jump backward

If you repeat the steps a second time, you will find yourself exploding into pieces! To skip to the next level of the game, you have to repeat the first five steps listed above, but jump forward (instead of backward for the sixth step)

Lara's museum
Activate the switch behind the diving board in Lara's pool room. Then go to the door; it opens in her main hall. Pull the switch, sprint straight across her lobby, and roll into her museum, where you'll find artifacts from previous games, including the Dagger of Xian.

Finding flares
To get the flares, press the button beside Lara's bed, which was the gun cabinet in Tomb Raider II. You may need to turn up your screen's brightness to view the flares.

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