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Ken Griffey Jr.'s Slugfest Cheats For Nintendo 64

Strategy Guide

  • Hit a homerun

    While in the batter's box with Ken Griffey Jr., press Left(2), Right(3), Left(2) before the pitcher winds up to throw the ball. If you entered the code correctly, Ken Griffey Jr. will point his bat in the direction where the ball will be hit. Then, successfully connect with the ball to automatically hit a homerun.

  • Exploding batter

    While in the batter's box, quickly press Right, Left, Down, Right, Left, Up, Right, Left, Down. Then your batter will explode and reappear after the next pitch.

  • View fireworks

    Select exhibition mode. Then at the stadium selection screen, press Z to enter "View Stadium" mode. Then, press R + Z to shoot fireworks near the home plate section of the stadium.

  • Flying outfielder

    Wait until a pop fly to the outfield is hit by your opponent. Allow the ball to drop, then pick it up. Hold Z and press C-Up to run into the infield with the ball. Then, press C-Right, C-Up, C-Left, C-Down, C-Left, C-Up, C-Down, C-Right, C-Up, C-Left, C-Down to throw the ball to various bases. If you entered the code correctly, the crowd will boo. Then, intentionally ignore the next ball that is hit into the outfield, and repeatedly tap A or B to fly.

  • View CPU pitches

    Press R on controller two when your team is at bat.

  • Big head mode

    Win the World Series on the rookie difficulty setting. Then, create a player with the name "CODE BIGGHEDZ". If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.

  • CPU vs. CPU mode

    Win the World Series on the all-star difficulty setting. Then, create a player with the name "CODE CPUVSCPU". If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.

  • Tick team

    Win the World Series on the veteran difficulty setting. Then, create a player with the name "CODE THETICK". If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.

  • Bonus teams

    Create a player with the name "CODE EMOTIONS". If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. The new teams can be used in any mode except for season mode. Alternatively, win the World Series with any team to unlock Team Nintendo or Team Angel Studios.

  • Invisible team

    Create a player with the name "CODE INVISIBLEMAN". If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.

  • Thin team

    Create a player with the name "CODE TOOTHPICK". If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.

  • Flat team

    Create a player with the name "CODE STEAMROLLED". If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. -From:

  • Small team

    Create a player with the name "CODE LIDDLELEAGUE". If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.

  • Weeble team

    Create a player with the name "CODE WEEBLEMAN". If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.

  • Full attributes

    Create a player with the name "CODE SUPERHUMAN". If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. -From:

  • Big bats

    Create a player with the name "CODE PHATTBATT". If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.

  • Big feet

    Create a player with the name "CODE BIGFOOT" or "CODE BIGFEET". If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.

    Game Shark Codes

    Note: You must have a 1.08 or higher version of the Game Shark to use these codes.

    Diddy Kong Racing Keycode Required
    Enable Code (Must Be On)DE061600 0000
    Infinite Balls8021AC47 0000
    1 Ball And You WalkD021AC47 0000
    8021AC47 0003
    2 Balls And You WalkD021AC47 0000
    8021AC47 0002
    3 Balls And You WalkD021AC47 0000
    8021AC47 0001
    Infinite Strikes8021AC48 0000
    1 Strike And You Are OutD021AC48 0000
    8021AC48 0002
    2 Strikes And You Are OutD021AC48 0000
    8021AC48 0001
    Infinite Outs8021AC41 0000
    1 Out And You Are OutD021AC41 0000
    8021AC41 0002
    2 Outs And You Are OutD021AC41 0000
    8021AC41 0001
    Home Team Score Modifier80104EFC ????
    Home Team Hits Modifier80104EFE ????
    Home Team Errors Modifier80104E60 ????
    Away Team Score Modifier80104E5D ????
    Away Team Hits Modifier80104E5F ????
    Away Team Errors Modifier80104E61 ????
    Character Creation Codes
    Infinite Creation Points81059408 420C
    Max Batting8105D6D8 4120
    Max Power8105D270 4120
    Max Speed8105CE68 4120
    Max Defense8105CA60 4120
    Max Arm Strength8105C5F8 4120
    Max Durability8105C098 4120
    Max Clutch8105BB98 4120
    Max Control8105B760 4120
    Max Stamina8105B2F8 4120
    Max Pitch Speed8105AE90 4120

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