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Galactic Civilizations II: Dread Lords Cheats For Personal Computer

Cheat mode:
To enable cheats, you must add the 'cheat' parameter to the command line. Instructions:
1.) Right-click your Galciv2 shortcut (or make one) 2.) Click 'Properties'
3.) Change the command line (target) like so:

"C:Program FilesStardockTotalGamingGalCiv2galciv2.exe" cheat

4.) Say 'ok' and start up the game.
5.) Enter these keys commands for the corresponding cheats:

[Ctrl] + PAdd 1 to planet class
[Ctrl] + BAdd battleship
[Ctrl] + MAdd 10,000 BC
[Ctrl] + CClone selected ship
[Ctrl] + LAssign remaining planets to major races
[Ctrl] + JComplete social projects
[Ctrl] + HHeal selected ship
[Ctrl] + RResearch current tech
[Shift] + [Ctrl] + RResearch all tech
[Ctrl] + <0-9>Hails major races
[Ctrl] + NRestart on new map with new race
[Ctrl] + TTeleport selected ship to pointer
[Ctrl] + VUnited planets meeting
[Ctrl] + AUpgrade selected ship
[Ctrl] + SSave game
[Ctrl] + FShow framerate

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