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And1 Streetball Cheats For Playstation 2

Cheat mode:
In the Options menu, select "Cheat" and enter one of the following codes for the corresponding function..

Master code:
Press B, B, A, A, X, Y, X, Y.

All side games:
Press Y, X, B, A, A, Y, Y, X.

All messages:
Press B, X, Y, X, B, A, X, B.

All movies:
Press X, A, X, B, Y, X, A, A.

All courts:
Press Y, A, A, X, A, B, Y, A.

All characters:
Press B, X, X, Y, B, X, A, A.

All Breakdowns:
Press A, A, Y, X, X, B, Y, B.

All clothing:
Press A, B, Y, A, X, B, B, Y.

All I-Ball moves:
Press A, B, B, A, X, Y, A, X.

No I-Ball move timing restriction:
Press B, Y, X, X, Y, B, A, X.

Always on fire:
Press X, B, A, B, X, A, X, Y.

Perfect field goals:
Press X, A, Y, X, A, Y, B, B.

Play as Flash:
Press B, A, A, Y, A, B, B, X.

Play as Shane:
Press X, A, B, A, B, Y, B, A.

Play as DJ Green Lantern:
Press Y, Y, B, A, X, A, B, Y. During play, click the Right Analog-stick for new actions.

Play as Skip to My Lou:
Press Y, A, Y, X, B, A, Y, X.

Air Up There:
Press A, B, B, Y, B, A, X, Y.

The OG Way:
Press B, Y, X, X, Y, B, A, X.

Press Y, B, X, X, B, Y, A, Y. Now you've got $1,000,000.

Shot release text:
Press B, X, Y, Y, X, X, Y, B. .

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