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Hydro Thunder Cheats For Playstation 2

Cheat mode:
Highlight the "Memory Card" option and press R1, R2, Circle, R2, R1. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.

Start with a 4+ second boost:
First, start a practice race. When the number 3 begins to fade, press and hold down X. When number 2 starts to fade, let go of X. When 1 starts to fade, press and hold X. If this was done done correctly, you should immediately start off with a extra-fast start and a 4+ second speed boost!

Unlocking hard races:
To unlock the hard difficulty races come in 2nd or 1st in all three middle races.

Unlocking MIddle Races:
To unlock the middle difficulty races come it 3rd, 2nd, or 1st in all three easy races.

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