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Predator: Concrete Jungle Cheats For Playstation 2

Accomplish the following tasks in the indicated mission to get the bonus costumes:

"A Night to Remember" - Kill every sniper at the area where you have to kill the lieutenantsAlien Hunter costume
"Under The Gun" - Destroy 3 series of vehicles that have Stolen TechnologyRitual Armor costume
"Midsummer Night's Massacre" - Kill the Irish bossJungle Hunter costume (from Predator 1)
"Extinction Event" - Go past the first set of enemies and straight to the man to killDark Blade Clan costume
"Bug Hunt" - Kill 50 aliens City Hunter costume (from Predator 2)
"The New Flesh" - Destroy the big computer up on the top at the start of the levelBad Blood costume + Maul upgrade

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