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Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves Cheats For Playstation 2

Cheat: Alternate Plane:
In the third episode, when Sly is flying the biplane, press START to pause the game, and then press R1, R1, RIGHT, DOWN, DOWN, RIGHT. After resuming the game, Sly's plane should look different.
Unlockable: Goodbye My Sweet Part 1:
You must complete the intro level.
Unlockable: Hard Difficulty:
You must finish 20 City Events and finish Class Trip in Chapter 8.
Unlockable: Medium Difficulty:
You must finish 10 City Events and finish Inexpugnable in Chapter 6.
Unlockable: Dimirti's Greasy Sweet Remix Music Video:
Complete 100% of the game.
Glitch: Coffeehouse Break-in:
If you go back to Venice on Sly 3, you may notice the coffee house near the police station is inacsessable. This is not true, if you know where to look.

Walk up to the front entrance of the police station(the vent on top has been boarded up), and you'll see an interaction symbol.

Hit the circle button to open the door. Instead of opening the door, the camera will zoom across the plaza and open the coffeehouse door. When the room loads, you will be in the coffeehouse! Not useless, and fun.

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