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Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monster Coliseum Cheats For Playstation 2

  • Special monsters

    Some monsters are only unlocked in Grandpa's store if you have met specific criteria. For example, the Sinister Serpent is only available for purchase once you have obtained 50 Water-type monsters.

  • More experience points for monsters

    To get more experience for a monster, have that monster destroy your opponent's symbol. They will get anywhere between 50 to 100 experience points.

  • Start each round with all your monsters

    Usually when a monster or capsule is destroyed, you cannot use it during the next round. However, if you start the next round and bring up the menu with "End Turn", "Unit List", etc. and go to "Surrender" and select "Try Again", you will restart the level with all your monsters available for use.

  • Map advantages

    Certain map attributes can cause physical damage to your monsters, such as lakes of lava and crackling electrical arcs. Only monsters with the same attributes as these dangerous spaces can pass through unharmed.

  • Magician Of Black Chaos

    To get the Magician Of Black Chaos, you must have a Dark Magician. The easy way to make him evolve is get him to level 3. Then, stop using him. When you reach area 5 and face Kaiba, you should use the Dark Magician. Have him almost to level 4 like 15 exp. to go. Know when he summons the Blue Eyes White Dragon and find a monster to weaken it so you can use your Dark Magician. When he kills the Blue Eyes, he will be level 4. Make sure nobody can kill him. You must wait until the field turns from light to dark. Then when you are on the dark ship, go to Your Dark Magician. He should have evolve. Select it to get a Magician Of Black Chaos.

  • Harpie Lady Sisters

    You must have three Harpie Ladies in order to fuse the Harpie Lady Sisters monster. Because only two Harpie Ladies are available for capture on Mai Valentine's Valley of Howling Winds board (and never in the shop), you must play through the game twice to get all three.

  • Defeating Joey

    The first fight in the game is with Joey. He uses fire-based monsters. Use water-based monsters to battle with. Place your token near the bottom corner where the hills slopes down. Place your monsters surrounding your token to protect it. Make sure you summon all your monsters before you move their positions. Once you and Joey summon all the monsters. The field will flood some of the arena, giving the water-based monster a field power up. Allow Joey's troops to get close to the water so that you can maintain the power bonus. After a few more turns, the field will flood even more. If Joey's monsters were near the water, the location where they were at is probably flooded, causing them to get weaker while you maintain your increased power. Keep hammering away at his monsters for victory. Additionally, to defeat Joey get or buy water and other monsters that can go on land, because thewater goes up and down.

  • Defeating Tristan

    Get or buy fire , wood , and thunder to defeat Tristan.

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