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Fade To Black Cheats For Playstation

Strategy Guide

  • Cheat mode

    Enter Square, Triangle, Circle, X, Circle, Triangle as a password to enable cheat mode. Ignore the "Invalid Code" response. Then the following cheats may be activated:

      Level select

      Enter Circle, Circle, Triangle, X, Square, Square as a password. Ignore the "Invalid Code" response. Then, begin a new game and press Start during the game. Press Circle to select the "Resume" option. Any level in the game may now be accessed.


      Enter Triangle, X, Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle as a password. Ignore the "Invalid Code" response. Then, begin a new game. Note: Activating this code may disable sprite collision and the Use command.

      Permanent shield

      Enter Square, Circle, Circle, Square, Triangle, X as a password. Ignore the "Invalid Code" response. Then, begin a new game to have a shield that is always full. Note: You can still die other ways.

      View FMV sequences

      Enter Square, X, Circle, Triangle, Circle, X as a password. Then a FMV player will appear.

  • Level passwords

    The PrisonSquare, Circle, Triangle, X, Circle, Square
    Morph BaseTriangle, Circle, X, Circle, Square, X
    Mars Mining FacilityX, Circle, X, Circle, Triangle, X
    Venus Space StationX, Square, Triangle, Circle, Circle, Triangle
    The PyramidSquare, Square, Triangle, X, X, Triangle
    Landing PadTriangle, X, X, X, X, Circle
    Underground (flying)Circle, Circle, Triangle, X, Triangle, X
    Morph MothershipSquare, Square, X, Triangle, Square, Square
    Earth Base: Command RoomTriangle, X, X, Triangle, Circle, Triangle
    Earth Base: DormitoryX, Triangle, Square, Circle, Triangle, X
    Reactor RoomCircle, Square, X, X, Square, X
    The Master BrainSquare, Triangle, X, Square, Circle, X
    The Escape (flying)X, X, Circle, Triangle, Circle, Triangle

    Note: Level 13 only appears if Sarah is not saved.

    Game Shark Codes

    Infinite Health801C0330 07D0
    801B37DC 07D0
    801B4AE4 07D0
    801B59C0 07D0
    801C7F68 07D0
    801AAD9C 07D0
    801AAD9C 07D0
    801B6BAC 07D0
    801B50BC 07D0
    801B6F64 07D0
    801B5C84 07D0
    801B0960 07D0
    801B85CC 07D0
    801B3280 07D0
    Infinite Normal Bullets801BE0D4 0009
    Infinite Heat-Seaking Bullets801BDB34 0009
    Infinite Plasma Bullets801C04AC 0009
    801C476C 0009
    Infinite Explosion Bullets801BDEF4 0008
    801BFD54 0008
    801C1218 0008
    801D6D18 0008
    801B1794 0008
    Infinite Armor Bullets801BFB74 0009
    801C1038 0009
    801D6B38 0009
    801B15B4 0009
    801C4B2C 0009
    801C021C 0009
    Infinite Mines801CEE88 0003
    Infinite Time (Watch)800ACACC 0000
    800AF9A4 0000

    Note: Turn the Game Shark off between levels, because some codes may freeze the game.

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