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Madden NFL 2001 Cheats For Playstation

Strategy Guide

  • Touchdown celebrations

    Hold one of the following button combinations immediately after scoring a touchdown to perform the corresponding touchdown celebration:

      Hip thrust

      Hold L1 + Square

      Jump spike

      Hold L1 + Circle.

      Say a prayer

      Hold L1 + Triangle.

      Spike football

      Hold L1 + X.

      Shoulder shake

      Hold L1 + R1.

      Slam dunk

      Hold L1 + R2.

    Game Shark Codes

    Infinite Time Outs Home Team8006EFF2 0003
    Home Team Scores 08006EFF0 0000
    Home Team Scores 1008006EFF0 0064
    Home Team Score Modifier8006EFF0 00??
    Infinite Time Outs Away Team800710D2 0003
    Away Team Scores 0800710D0 0000
    Away Team Scores 100800710D0 0064
    Away Team Score Modifier800710D0 00??
    Always 1st Down8006BABC 0001
    Three Downs Per PossessionD006BABC 0001
    8006BABC 0002
    Two Downs Per PossessionD006BABC 0001
    8006BABC 0003
    One Down Per PossessionD006BABC 0001
    8006BABC 0004
    Start in 4th QuarterD006BABE 0001
    8006BABE 0004

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