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Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash Of The Super Heroes EX Edition Cheats For Playstation

Strategy Guide

  • EX menu

    Highlight the "Options" selection at the main menu, then hold Select and press Start. The EX menu allows the hyper combo gauge, vitality recovery speed, and human/CPU controls for players one and two to be set. -From:

  • Play as Lilith

    Successfully complete the game with Morrigan on any difficulty setting. Then at the character selection screen, press Down at the bottom center of the screen. Note: The unlocked character can be saved to a memory card.

  • Play as Roll

    Successfully complete the game with Mega Man on any difficulty setting. Then at the character selection screen, highlight Mega Man and press Right. Note: The unlocked character can be saved to a memory card.

  • Play as Gold War Machine

    Successfully complete the game with War Machine on any difficulty setting. Then at the character selection screen, press Up at top right corner of the screen. Note: The unlocked character can be saved to a memory card.

  • Play as Shadow Lady

    Successfully complete the game with Chun Li on any difficulty setting. Then at the character selection screen, press Down at the bottom left of the screen. Note: The unlocked character can be saved to a memory card.

  • Play as Red Venom

    Successfully complete the game with Venom on any difficulty setting. Then at the character selection screen, press Up at the top left corner of the screen. Note: The unlocked character can be saved to a memory card.

  • Play as Orange Hulk

    Successfully complete the game with the Hulk on any difficulty setting. Then at the character selection screen, press Up at the top middle of the screen. Note: The unlocked character can be saved to a memory card.

  • Play as Onslaught

    Successfully complete the game with any character under any difficulty setting. Then at the character selection screen, highlight Wolverine and press Down. Press Select during the match to fight with his second form (Big Onslaught). This enables you to learn and control Big Onslaught's moves.

  • Play as Mech Zangief

    At the character selection screen in any mode, highlight Zangief, then hold Select and press any button.

  • Fight with Akuma's moves

    At the character selection screen in any mode, highlight Ryu, then hold Start and press any button. When the game begins, Ryu will be able to do all of Akuma's (Gouki) moves.

  • Fight with Ken's moves

    At the character selection screen in any mode, highlight Ryu, then hold Select and press any button. When the game begins, Ryu will be able to do all of Ken's moves.

  • Switch starting character

    Select your characters, then hold L1 until the match begins to switch the second character you chose with the starting fighter.

  • Use Sentinel as a special tag partner

    Successfully complete the game with Onslaught. Then at the special partner selection screen, highlight Colossus and press Down.

  • Use Shadow as a special tag partner

    Successfully complete the game with Chun Li or Shadow Lady. Then at the special partner selection screen, highlight Iceman and press Down.

  • Rockman's Magnetic Shockwave

    Successfully complete the game with Rockman. Then at the character selection screen, highlight Rockman, hold Select and press any button. Press Down, Down/Back, Back + 2P during a match to execute Rockman's Magnetic Shockwave move. This will take a level from your gauge.

    Game Shark Codes

    North American Version

    Unlock Everything50000302 0000
    8007B72C FFFF
    Infinite Health P1 & P280038106 2400
    Infinite Round Timer8007B832 6363
    Hit Anywhere [Note]80048F92 2400
    Stage Modifier8007B780 00??
    Start on Last Stage
    (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed)
    E007B888 0000
    3007B888 0007
    Player 1 Codes
    Infinite Health8007C124 0090
    75% HealthD007C124 0090
    8007C124 006C
    50% HealthD007C124 0090
    8007C124 0048
    25% HealthD007C124 0090
    8007C124 0024
    One-Hit KillD007C124 0090
    8007C124 0001
    Instant Death8007C124 0000
    Partner Infinite Health8007C984 0090
    Partner 75% HealthD007C984 0090
    8007C984 006C
    Partner 50% HealthD007C984 0090
    8007C984 0048
    Partner 25% HealthD007C984 0090
    8007C984 0024
    Partner One-Hit KillD007C984 0090
    8007C984 0001
    Partner Instant Death8007C984 0000
    Infinite Special Partner Attacks8007C17A 0005
    No Special Partner Attacks8007C17A 0000
    Infinite Hyper Combo Gauge8007C126 0090
    Hyper Combo Gauge Empty8007C126 0000
    Hyper Combo Level 08007C128 0000
    Hyper Combo Level 18007C128 0001
    Hyper Combo Level 28007C128 0002
    Hyper Combo Level 38007C128 0003
    No Hyper Combo Gauge8007C126 0000
    8007C128 0000
    Max Wins8007B896 03E7
    Never Win3007B82A 0000
    Only Need One Win
    (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed)
    E007B82A 0000
    3007B82A 0001
    Quick Max Score8007C168 FFFF
    Ryu With Ken's Moves3007B8E4 0002
    Ryu With Akuma's Moves3007B8E4 0004
    Infinite Duo Team AttackD007B862 0230
    8007B862 0240
    Infinite Wolverine Berserk Mode8007C222 01FF
    Infinite Time For Mega Man Specials8007C236 0010
    Mega Man Has Magnetic Shockwave8007C24E 0001
    Mega Man's Mega Buster at Max8007C238 00FF
    Jin Has Super Armor8007C258 00FF
    Rapid Attack8007BF76 0000
    Player 2 Codes
    Infinite Health8007C534 0090
    75% HealthD007C534 0090
    8007C534 006C
    50% HealthD007C534 0090
    8007C534 0048
    25% HealthD007C534 0090
    8007C534 0024
    One-Hit KillD007C534 0090
    8007C534 0001
    Instant Death8007C534 0000
    Partner Infinite Health8007CD8C 0090
    Partner 75% HealthD007CD8C 0090
    8007CD8C 006C
    Partner 50% HealthD007CD8C 0090
    8007CD8C 0048
    Partner 25% HealthD007CD8C 0090
    8007CD8C 0024
    Partner One-Hit KillD007CD8C 0090
    8007CD8C 0001
    Partner Instant Death8007CD8C 0000
    Infinite Special Partner Attacks8007CDE2 0005
    No Special Partner Attacks8007CDE2 0000
    Infinite Hyper Combo Gauge8007C536 0090
    Hyper Combo Gauge Empty8007C536 0000
    Hyper Combo Level 08007C538 0000
    Hyper Combo Level 18007C538 0001
    Hyper Combo Level 28007C538 0002
    Hyper Combo Level 38007C538 0003
    No Hyper Combo Gauge8007C536 0000
    8007C538 0000
    Max Wins8007B898 03E7
    Never Win3007B82B 0000
    Only Needs One Win
    (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed)
    E007B82B 0000
    3007B82B 0001
    Quick Max Score8007C578 FFFF
    Ryu With Ken's Moves3007B8E5 0002
    Ryu With Akuma's Moves3007B8E5 0004
    Infinite Duo Team AttackD007B864 0230
    8007B864 0240
    Infinite Wolverine Berserk Mode8007C632 01FF
    Infinite Time For Mega Man Specials8007C646 0010
    Mega Man Has Magnetic Shockwave8007C65E 0001
    Mega Man's Mega Buster at Max8007C648 00FF
    Jin Has Super Armor8007C668 00FF
    Rapid Attack8007CBFE 0000
    Quantity Digits to Accompany Stage Modifier Code
    00 - Honda's Bathhouse
    01 - Live House of the Dead
    02 - Neo St. Petersburg
    03 - Dr. Wily's Stage
    04 - Headquarters of Evil
    05 - Avengers Base
    06 - Blue Area of the Moon
    07 - Rooftop of Daily Bugle
    08 - Cliff of Desolation
    09 - Rooftop by Central Park

    Note: This code enables both players to make contact with each other no matter where they are on the screen.

    Japanese Version

    Infinite Health P1 & P2800380DE 2400
    Infinite Time8007B7DA 6363
    Infinite Time (Alternate)8004D086 2400
    Unlock Special Partners8007B6D8 FFFF
    Unlock All Illustrations & Endings8007B6D4 FFFF
    8007B6D6 FFFF
    Player 1 Codes
    Infinite Health8007C0CC 0090
    75% HealthD007C0CC 0000
    8007C0CC 006C
    50% HealthD007C0CC 0000
    8007C0CC 0048
    25% HealthD007C0CC 0000
    8007C0CC 0024
    No Health8007C0CC 0000
    One-Hit KillD007C0CC 0000
    8007C0CC 0001
    Special Bar Full8007C0CE 0090
    Special Bar Empty8007C0CE 0000
    Level 3 Special8007C0D0 0003
    Level 2 Special8007C0D0 0002
    Level 1 Special8007C0D0 0001
    No Special8007C0CE 0000
    8007C0D0 0000
    Play as Roll8007BE86 0010
    Play as Gold War Machine8007BE86 0028
    Play as Shadow Lady8007BE86 002A
    Play as Red Venom8007BE86 0024
    Play as Orange Hulk8007BE86 0026
    Play as Onslaught8007BE86 0022
    Player 2 Codes
    Infinite Health8007C4DC 0090
    75% HealthD007C4DC 0000
    8007C4DC 006C
    50% HealthD007C4DC 0000
    8007C4DC 0048
    25% HealthD007C4DC 0000
    8007C4DC 0024
    No Health8007C4DC 0000
    One-Hit KillD007C4DC 0000
    8007C4DC 0024
    Special Bar Full8007C4DE 0090
    Special Bar Empty8007C4DE 0000
    Level 3 Special8007C4E0 0003
    Level 2 Special8007C4E0 0002
    Level 1 Special8007C4E0 0001
    No Special8007C4DE 0000
    8007C4E0 0000
    Play as Roll8007C296 0010
    Play as Gold War Machine8007C296 0028
    Play as Shadow Lady8007C296 002A
    Play as Red Venom8007C296 0024
    Play as Orange Hulk8007C296 0026
    Play as Onslaught8007C296 0022

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