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Megaman Legends Cheats For Playstation

Strategy Guide

Note: This game is also titled Rockman Dash.

  • Rolling invincibility

    While playing a game, hold L1 or R1 and jump to roll to either side. During this time, Megaman will be momentarily invincible.

  • Unlimited money (method 1)

    Play the beast hunter game at the studio and get 4000 gold for completing grade A . This may be repeated to collect an unlimited amount of money.

  • Unlimited money (method 2)

    Locate the garbage can and pop can on the ground near the Jetlad Bakery on the Shopping Street. Then, kick the can into the bakery and speak to the woman inside to receive ,000. This may be repeated to collect an unlimited amount of money.

  • Bonus options

    Beat the game to unlock an additional option (in green) on the main menu that allows the game to be played at a more difficult level. Beat the game on the new difficulty level to unlock another option (in yellow) that allows the game to be played at an easier difficulty level, with dash boots and full left arm weapon capability.

  • Control camera

    At various times during the briefing sequences, "Camera Change" and "Camera Free" will be displayed. Press Square or Triangle to change the zoom. Press Circle to change views. Press X to stop the scene.

    Game Shark Codes

    Joker CommandD00C0C26 ????
    Infinite Life800B521E 00C4
    Infinite Zenny800C1B2C 423F
    800C1B2E 000F
    Infinite Health Boat & Airship80100E02 2400
    Infinite Special Weapon Power800357FC D623
    800D895E 2400
    800D8B5E 2400
    800D8BBE 2400
    Invincible Megaman300B52C0 0001
    Invisible Megaman300B52C1 001F
    Time is Always 00:00800C1B1C 0000
    800C1B1E 0000
    Have All Normal Items800BE420 FFFF
    800BE422 FFFF
    800BE424 FFFF
    800BE426 FFFF
    Have All Special Items800BE41C FFFF
    800BE41E FFFF
    Have All Special Weapons800BE410 FFFF
    Equipped Special Weapon Modifier [Note]300B5322 000?
    Equipped Special Weapon Always Active Modifier [Note]300B5320 000?
    Mega Buster Always Enabled300BE321 0001
    Cameleon Net Always Active800BBD96 06BB
    Defense Shield Always Active800BBD94 031E
    Mega JumpD00B52CC 4000
    800B51D2 FA00
    Equipped Buster Parts Slot Position Modifier Codes
    Slot 1300B5600 00??
    Slot 2300B5601 00??
    Slot 3300B5602 00??
    Buster Parts Slot Position Modifier Codes
    Slot 1800B5604 00??
    Slot 2800B5606 00??
    Slot 3800B5608 00??
    Slot 4800B560A 00??
    Slot 5800B560C 00??
    Slot 6800B560E 00??
    Slot 7800B5610 00??
    Slot 8800B5612 00??
    Slot 9800B5614 00??
    Slot 10800B5616 00??
    Slot 11800B5618 00??
    Slot 12800B561A 00??
    Slot 13800B561C 00??
    Slot 14800B561E 00??
    Slot 15800B5620 00??
    Slot 16800B5622 00??
    Quantity Digits to Accompany Equipped & Buster Parts Slot Position Modifier Codes
    00 - Nothing
    01 - Blaster Unit Omega
    02 - Sniper Unit Omega
    03 - Laser
    04 - Sniper Range
    05 - Turbo Battery
    06 - Power Raiser Omega
    07 - Range Booster Omega
    08 - Turbo Charger Omega
    09 - Blast Unit
    0A - Sniper Unit
    0B - Power Raiser Alpha
    0C - Range Booster Alpha
    0D - Turbo Charger Alpha
    0E - Power Raiser
    0F - Range Booster
    10 - Turbo Charger
    11 - Buster Max
    12 - Power Stream
    13 - Blaster Unit R
    14 - Buster Unit Omega
    15 - Omni-Unit Omega
    16 - Auto Battery
    17 - Sniper Scope
    18 - Rapid Striker
    19 - Gatlin Gun
    1A - Omni-Unit
    1B - Power Blaster R
    1C - Power Blaster L
    1D - Machine Gun
    1E - Triple Access
    1F - Buster Unit
    20 - Rapid Fire
    21 - Helmet
    Quantity Digits to Accompany Equipped Special Weapons Modifier Codes
    0 - Kick
    1 - Mega Buster
    2 - Machine Buster
    3 - Powered Buster
    4 - Drill Arm
    5 - Grenade Arm
    6 - Spread Buster
    7 - Vacuum Arm
    8 - Active Buster
    9 - Blade Arm
    A - Grand Grenade
    B - Splash Mine
    C - Shield Arm
    D - Shining Laser

    Note: These codes are to be used with "Have All Special Weapons" code.

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