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MLB 2000 Cheats For Playstation

Strategy Guide

  • Hit a homerun

    While in the batter's box and using the power swing, press Up/Left + L2 + R1 + X when the ball is thrown. If the batter connects, he will hit a homerun. -From:

  • Super player

    At the player creation screen, enter "Scott Murray" or any other development team name (located in the back of the instruction manual) as a player name. -From:

  • Baseball bloopers FMV sequence

    Enter the start menu and allow the MLB 2000 demo to run. Watch it until the MLB 2000 logo appears again, then a blooper FMV sequence will begin.

  • Hints
      Charge the catcher

      Repeatedly tap X when running home and your runner will ram the catcher. At times, this may cause the catcher to drop the ball. Note: Auto Sliding must be enabled.

      Easy hits

      While in the batter's box and using the power swing, press Down to hit a single or double about 90% of the time.

    Game Shark Codes

    Joker CommandD009DA56 ????
    Infinite Creation Points801E8B28 00FF
    Infinite Balls800B8968 0000
    1 Ball And You WalkD00B8968 0000
    800B8968 0003
    2 Balls And You WalkD00B8968 0000
    800B8968 0002
    3 Balls And You WalkD00B8968 0000
    800B8968 0001
    Infinite Strikes800B8966 0000
    1 Strike And You Are OutD00B8966 0000
    800B8966 0002
    2 Strikes And You Are OutD00B8966 0000
    800B8966 0001
    Infinite Outs800B8964 0000
    1 Out And You Are OutD00B8964 0000
    800B8964 0002
    2 Outs And You Are OutD00B8964 0000
    800B8964 0002
    0 Outs, 0 Strikes, 3 Balls (Press L1 + L2)D009DA56 0005
    800B8964 0000
    D009DA56 0005
    800B8966 0000
    D009DA56 0005
    800B8968 0003
    2 Outs, 2 Strikes, 0 Balls (Press R1 + R2)D009DA56 000A
    800B8964 0002
    D009DA56 000A
    800B8966 0002
    D009DA56 000A
    800B8968 0000
    Home Team Score Modifier3001D416 00??
    Home Team Hit Modifier3001D417 00??
    Away Team Score Modifier3001D458 00??
    Away Team Hit Modifier8001D459 00??

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