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NBA In The Zone 2 Cheats For Playstation

  • All-Star team

    Highlight "Start" on the title screen and hold L1 + R2 + Select + Start until the screen fades. Then the All-Star team will be selectable in exhibition mode.

  • Hidden players

      Magic Johnson: Create a new player and select model number 25.

      Larry Bird: Create a new player and select model number 29.

      Michael Jordan: He is already on the roster and named "M.GUARD" on the Bulls.

      Shaq O'Neil: He is already on the roster and named "S.CENTER" on the Lakers.

      Charles Barkley: He is already on the roster and named "C.FORWARD" on the Rockets.

    Game Shark Codes

    Home Team Score Modifier8007126C ????
    8006EBF0 ????
    Away Team Score Modifier8006ED84 ????
    8006ED7E ????
    All Shots Go In [Note]8006E386 000?

    Note: This code works for both teams.

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