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Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro Cheats For Playstation

Strategy Guide

  • Cheat mode

    Enter "AUNTMAY" as a code to unlock everything in the game. -From:

  • Level select

    Enter "NONJYMNT" as a code to unlock the level select option. -From:

  • All training challenges

    Enter "CEREBRA" as a code to unlock all training challenges. -From:

  • All costumes

    Enter "WASHMCHN" or "SPDRHIST" as a code to unlock all costumes. -From:

  • All gallery entries

    Enter "DRKROOM" as a code to unlock all gallery entries. -From:

  • Big head mode

    Enter "ALIEN" as a code to unlock big head mode. -From:

  • Big feet mode

    Enter "STACEYD" as a code to unlock big feet mode. -From:

  • What If? mode

    Enter "VVISIONS" as a code to unlock "What If?" mode. In this mode, parts of the game will change depending on what you do. -From:

  • Programmer high scores

    Enter "VVHISCRS" as a code to display the programmer high scores. -From:

  • Debug mode

    Enter "DRILHERE" as a code to display debug information. -From:

  • Alex Ross white costume

    Successfully complete the game on kid mode.

  • Amazing Bag Man

    Successfully complete the game two times in a row (select "Continue Game") on the normal difficulty setting.

  • Battle Wounded Spidey costume

    Defeat Electro for the first time.

  • Ben Reilly costume

    Successfully complete the game two times in a row (select "Continue Game") on the normal difficulty setting.

  • Captain Universe costume

    Successfully complete the game two times in a row (select "Continue Game") on the normal difficulty setting.

  • Dusk costume

    Collect all 32 comic books.

  • Insulated costume

    Do nothing except throw the serums at the Lizard on the hard difficulty setting.

  • Negative Zone Spider-Man costume

    Play the level where you have to collect all the keys so that the bomb will not explode on the normal difficulty setting. Note: This also may work on the hard or easy difficulty setting, but will not under kid mode. Collect all four keys and put them into the bomb in the order in which you found the keys. The clock must also show more than 3 minutes remaining.

  • Peter Parker costume

    Successfully complete the game two times in a row (select "Continue Game") on the normal difficulty setting.

  • Quick Change Spidey costume

    Successfully complete the game two times in a row (select "Continue Game") on the normal difficulty setting.

  • Scarlet Spidey costume

    Successfully complete the game two times in a row (select "Continue Game") on the normal difficulty setting.

  • Spider Phoenix costume

    Successfully complete the game on the hard difficulty setting.

  • Spider-Man 2099 costume

    Successfully complete the game two times in a row (select "Continue Game") on the normal difficulty setting.

  • Spidey Unlimited costume

    Successfully complete the game two times in a row (select "Continue Game") on the normal difficulty setting.

  • Symbiote Spider costume

    Successfully complete the game once on any difficulty setting.

  • Venom costume

    Successfully complete the game on the easy difficulty setting.

  • Venom-Earth X costume

    Successfully complete the game on the normal difficulty setting.

  • Peter's Portfolio's graphics

    Face every boss (Shocker, Hammerhead, Sandman, Electro and Ultimate Electro) on each difficulty setting to unlock all the graphics in Peter's Portfolio section.

    Game Shark Codes

    Unlock Invulnerability800C2214 0001
    Unlock Infinite Webbing800C2218 0001
    Unlock Stealth800C2210 0001
    Unlock Enhanced Web Swing800C2224 0001
    Unlock Double Jump Height800C2220 0001
    Unlock Enhanced Strength800C221C 0001
    Unlock Level Select Option800C1FD8 0001
    Unlock Only 2 Web Cartridges800C2228 0001
    Unlock Everything (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed)800B31D4 0102
    800B31EE 0001
    50000F02 0000
    800B31F8 FFFF
    Spiderman Costume Modifier800B31F2 00??
    Quantity Digits to Accompany Costume Modifier Code
    00 - Spider-Man
    01 - Spider-Phoenix
    02 - Prodigy
    03 - Dusk
    04 - Insulated Suit
    05 - Alex Ross - Red
    06 - Alex Ross - White
    07 - Venom 2 - Earth X
    08 - Negitive Zone
    09 - Symbiote Spider-Man
    0A - Spider-Man 2099
    0B - Captain Universe
    0C - Spidey Unlimited
    0D - Amazing Bag Man
    0E - Scarlet Spidey
    0F - Ben Reilly
    10 - Quick Change Spidey
    11 - Peter Parker
    12 - Battle Damaged

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