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The Sims 2: Castaway Cheats For PSP

Cheat Gnome Fun

To spawn the Cheat Gnome while on a lot, quickly press B, Z, Up, Down, B. The Cheat Gnome will be in different locations, depending on which island you are on. Enter one of the following codes to unlock the corresponding option on the Cheat Gnome:

Code                                                                Effect
Quickly press 2, Up, Right, Z, Right.Add One to Skill.
Quickly press A, A, Down, Down, A.All Crafting Resources.
Quickly press Minus, Plus, Z, Z, A.All Motives.
Quickly press Plus, Plus, Minus, Minus, Z.All Plans.
Quickly press Left, Right, Left, Right, A.Maximum Current Food and Resources.
Quickly press Z, Plus, A, B, 2.Maximum Relationships.


Enter one of the following as your name to unlock it's bonus

First name: Princess Last Name: ZeldaFind the treasure without the map
First name:Mr. Last Name:PilotInstead of a shipwreck you crash down on a plane, you start out with all your crew

Treasure chest

Get all the treasure map pieces (use this code for cheat nome b z up down b and this for max current inventory left right left right a u need to have a tleast one map piece) the go to the first beach of the second island climb on the boat and open treasure chest for a pirate suit for a boy and girl and get the pirate sword.

Bonus Clothing

If you start a game go to the pause menu and go to fasion and grooming then enter the following cheatZ,Z,A,Z,2. It will unlock a vest for a male and a tank top for a female.

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