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Samurai Warriors 2: Empires Cheats For Xbox 360

1570 Battle of Anegawa scenario:
Successfully complete any regional scenario.

1582 The Honnouji Incident scenario:
Complete the Clear the 1560 Kawanakajima scenario.
1600 Battle of Sekigahara scenario:
Complete the 1582 Honnouji scenario.

Empire mode options:
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding option in Empire mode.

Adjust Annex Options: Recruit 100 officers
Adjust Officer Limit: Unlock 50 Policy Cards
Adjust Time Limit: Complete Empire mode.
Change Fief Owner And Default Officers: Complete Empire mode.
Officer Death Options: Unlock 50 weapons

Fourth weapons:
Get the weapon that your character uses to level 4, then finish a battle with 500 K.O.s. You will get your character's fourth weapon after that battle.

All image galleries and scenes:
Unlock all the fourth weapons for each type of weapon and the 1,000 KOs medals for all characters

Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

First Consultation (50 points): Empire Mode Event: Lord confers with retainer upon taking 3 or more fiefs (Save game to receive)

Second Consultation (50 points): Empire Mode Event: Lord confers with retainer upon taking 10 or more fiefs (Save game to receive)

Third Consultation (50 points): Empire Mode Event: Lord confers with retainer upon taking 20 or more fiefs (Save game to receive)

Four Guardians (50 points): Empire Mode Event: 4 retainers are proclaimed the most essential to your clan (Save game to receive)

Most Valuable Warrior (50 points): Empire Mode Event: A retainer is praised for his or her prowess in battle (Save game to receive)

Moon Child (50 points): Obtain the mount "Moon Child" in Empire Mode and save your game.

Persian Mare (50 points): Obtain the mount "Persian Mare" in Empire Mode and save your game.

Matsukaze (50 points): Obtain the mount "Matsukaze" in Empire Mode and save your game.

Level Four Weapon (50 points): Obtain a level 4 weapon in Empire Mode and save your game.

Stage: Battle of Kawanakajima (50 points): In Empire Mode, play the special stage "Battle of Kawanakajima" and save your game.

Stage: Battle of Anegawa (50 points): In Empire Mode, play the special stage "Battle of Anegawa" and save your game.

Stage: Incident at Honnoji (50 points): In Empire Mode, play the special stage "Incident at Honnoji" and save your game.

Stage: Battle of Sekigahara (50 points): In Empire Mode, play the special stage "Battle of Sekigahara" and save your game.

Stage: Osaka Campaign (50 points): In Empire Mode, play the special stage "Osaka Campaign" and save your game.

Scenario: Battle of Anegawa (100 points): Unlock the scenario "Battle of Anegawa" and save your game.

Scenario: Incident at Honnoji (100 points): Unlock the scenario "Incident at Honnoji" and save your game.

Scenario: Battle of Sekigahara (100 points): Unlock the scenario "Battle of Sekigahara" and save your game.

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