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Ski Doo: Snowmobile Challenge Cheats For Xbox 360


Unlockable                 How to Unlock
Acrobat (40)Perform a two stunt combo (Not achievable in splitscreen).
Adrenaline Junkie (40)Stay in adrenaline mode for 30 seconds (Not achievable in splitscreen).
Backflip (25)Perform a backflip (Not achievable in splitscreen).
Berzerk (50)Take down three opponents in a row without crashing (Not achievable in splitscreen).
Big Air (25)Stay airborne for 3 seconds (Not achievable in splitscreen).
Boostaholic (60)Stay in adrenaline mode for 60 seconds (Not achievable in splitscreen).
Bully (30)Take down one opponent (Not achievable in splitscreen).
Crowdsurfing (40)Collide with the spectators (Not achievable in splitscreen).
Double Backflip (50)Perform a double backflip (Not achievable in splitscreen).
Double Frontflip (50)Perform a double frontflip (Not achievable in splitscreen).
Frontflip (25)Perform a frontflip (Not achievable in splitscreen).
Frozen (50)Hold a stunt for 4 seconds (Not achievable in splitscreen).
Hangtime (25)Hold a stunt for 2 seconds (Not achievable in splitscreen).
HeadSplat (60)Land on top of another player (Not achievable in splitscreen).
Hoarder (30)Unlock half of all unlockables in career mode.
Orbit (50)Stay airborne for 5 seconds (Not achievable in splitscreen).
Pack Rat (50)Unlock all unlockables in career mode.
Rampage (70)Take down four opponents in a row without crashing (Not achievable in splitscreen).
Roadrunner (40)Lead a race from start to finish (Not achievable in splitscreen).
Stingy (30)Collect $50000 in career mode without spending them.
Untouchable (60)Win a career race with your sled intact (Not achievable in splitscreen).
Wire Fu (60)Perform a three stunt combo (Not achievable in splitscreen).
Woodcutter (40)Collide with 3 trees in a race. (Not achievable in splitscreen)

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