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DragonBall Z: Taiketsu Cheats For Gameboy Advance

How to Fight Better in the Tournament:

When you start to play the game you start pressing L+one of the directional buttons towards your opponent. keep repeating this process until little health on your opponent, then you keep pressing left+B and then you keep repeating this process until you are satisfied.

Get Majin Vegeta:

Beat Majin Buu in the tournament with Vegeta.But,be CAUTIOUS this is a risky battle.

Get Raditz:

Play as trunks and beat one player tournament mode.


Beat the tournament with everyone under Hard difficulty ( you have to unlock all the others to). Also reported as beat tournament using Buu

Broly's Super Kamehameha:

Right, slanted down right, down, slanted down left, left, left, slanted down left, down, slanted down right, right, R, L. You must do this as fast as possible and it'll take a few tries. By the way it takes out a fourth to a half of damage and is impossible to evade.

Super Saiyan 2 Gohan:

Play the android saga 1 or more times and you will get the Super Saiyan 2 capsule

Super Moves:

Goku:Siganature Move:Kamehameha: down,slanted down right, right, down slanted down right,right + B

Vegeta:Signature Move:Big Bang:down,slanted down right, right, down slanted down right,right + L

Raditz:Siganature Move:Chop Beam: left,right,left,right + B

Krillin:Signature Move:Kamehamaha:down,slanted down right, right, down slanted down right,right + B

Gohan:Siganature Move: Mesenko Ball: left,slanted down left,down, slanted down right, right + L

Ki Blast:

Ok to do this you just have to do combos..

ok to do a Ki Blast, you just press DOWN LEFT X to do it if u are looking left press that if you are looking right press DOWN RIGHT X ..there you go!


Spirit Bomb:right,left,down,up,R.[goku]
Kamehameha:left,right,down,right.[gotenks and goku]


Ok to do a power up! (get energy) just press and hold A+B and there you GO

Easy way to get points:

To get a lot of points be Gotenks after u unlock him and with the ponits that are already saved up buy stuff for mode and settings. Go to bonus settings and u will see free supers and instant death put them both on. Use gotenks special by pressing the control pad down, down, left, right, and L button. It should kill him in one shot do this and u will get 25,000 points every time u beat tournament mode.

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