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Robots Cheats For Gameboy

New version:

When you are about to select a game at the top of the bottom screen click on remix to get the new version of the game.

Beating The First Boss:

In order to beat the fist boss you need to have your Scrap Launcher or you can use your wrench. The first boss is a security guard, he is in a floating car. At the front of the car there is a magnetic shield that you will get attracted to because Rodney(your character) is made of metal. The security bot will stay toward the middle of the edge. Next he will try to attract you with the car. Stay towards the side of the edge, next to the car. Then the car will fly towards the side of the battlefront, arena, whatever you call it. Stay in front of the car and shoot at the car with your Scrap Launcher or hit with your wrench. You won't get hurt because the security bot is dizzy at the time.

Using the elevator:

When your at an elevator with a enemy near it, use WonderBot to move the lever to make it move up/down because the enemy can't hurt you when your using WonderBot.

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