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Major League Baseball 2K6 Cheats For Gamecube

Oakland A's roster:
On the Oakland A's default roster, you will notice that they have Milton Bradley, Antonio Perez and Andre Ethier on the team. This is incorrect because the Dodgers traded Bradley and Perez to Oakland in exchange for Ethier. Therefore, all three players cannot be on the same team.

Password list
Enter the following cheats at the cheat entry screen for the corresponding effect.

Result - Code:
Topps 2K6 All-stars - Dream Team
Rocket Arms - Gotcha
Bouncy Ball - Crazy Hops
Crazy Pitches - Unhittable
Super Wall Climbs - Last Chance

Unlocks all jerseys, stadiums, teams, arcade games, and cheats that can be purchased. Also unlocks six of the first seven skybox cheats. Enter password: Derek Jeter

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