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Red Faction 2 Cheats For Gamecube

  • Cheat mode

    Enter Y, X, B, X, Y, A, B, A at the cheats screen under the options menu to unlock all cheats.

  • All options

    Enter B, B, A, A, Y, X, Y, X at the cheats screen under the options menu to unlock all normal game options.

  • Level select

    Enter X, Y, A, B, Y, X, A, A at the cheats screen under the options menu.

  • Super health

    Enter A, A, Y, B, Y, B, X at the cheats screen under the options menu.

  • Infinite ammunition

    Enter Y, B, A, X, Y, X, A, B at the cheats screen under the options menu.

  • Infinite grenades

    Enter X, A, X, Y, A, X, A, X at the cheats screen under the options menu.

  • Bouncy grenades

    Enter X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X at the cheats screen under the options menu.

  • Gibby explosions

    Enter B, X, A, Y, B, X, A, Y at the cheats screen under the options menu.

  • Gibby ammunition

    Enter A, A, A, A, X, Y, A, A at the cheats screen under the options menu.

  • Rapid rails

    Enter X, Y, X, Y, A, A, B, B at the cheats screen under the options menu.

  • Fat mode

    Enter X, X, X, X, B, A, X, X at the cheats screen under the options menu.

  • Walking dead

    Enter A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A at the cheats screen under the options menu.

  • Wacky deaths

    Enter B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B at the cheats screen under the options menu.

  • Rain of fire

    Enter Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, Y at the cheats screen under the options menu.

  • Director's cut

    Enter Y, A, X, B, X, A, Y, B at the cheats screen under the options menu.

  • Joke message

    Enter Y, A, Y, A, Y, A, Y, A at the cheats screen under the options menu.

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