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True Crime: New York City Cheats For Gamecube

Unlimited ammunition:
Hold L + R and press X, B, A, B, B, Y at the CompStat/Map screen.

Unlimited endurance:
Hold L + R and press X, B, A, B, A, X at the CompStat/Map screen.

Double damage:
Hold L + R and press A, A, B, A, A, A at the CompStat/Map screen.

$1 million:
Hold L + R and press B, B, Y, B, Y, B at the CompStat/Map screen.

Super cop mode:
Hold L + R and press Y, A, Y, A, Y, Y at the CompStat/Map screen.

Ultra easy mode:
Hold L + R and press X, B, A, A, Y, X at the CompStat/Map screen.

Redman Gone Wild mini-game:
Hold L + R and press Y, A, A, B, A, B at the CompStat/Map screen. Or, get 100% completion. Go to the location given by Redman when he calls.

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