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XG3 Extreme G Racing Cheats For Gamecube

win next race:

To win the next race in the series, enter this code: L+R+Z, L+R, Z, L+R+Z once Press Start shows up at the title screen.

double your winnings:

To double your prize money, press the following buttons at the main menu: L, R , Z, L, R, Z, L + R. A message will indicate correct code entry.

Get infinite ammo:

To get infinite ammo, go to the main menu and enter the following code: L, R, L, R, L + R, Z. A message will confirm correct entry.

How to always win career races:

To ensure that you always win XG Career races, enter this code after Press Start appears on the title screen: R, L, Z, L, R, Z, R, L, Z.

Get unlimited shield & boost:

To unlock unlimited shield (which also means, you can use unlimited boost), go to the main menu and enter the following code: L+R, Z, L+R, Z. A message will confirm correct entry.

Unlock all teams and tracks:

To unlock all teams and tracks in the game, go to the main menu and enter the following code: L, L, R, R, Z, Z, L+R+Z. A message will confirm correct entry.

Unlock extreme lap challenge:

To unlock the Extreme Lap Challenge, go to the main menu and enter the following code: L, R, L, R L, R, Z, L + R. A message will confirm correct entry.

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