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You Don't Know Jack! Volume 3 Cheats For Gamecube

Punishment for Rude Behavior:

If you want to have some fun with the announcer, and are not afraid of losing, type in f@#k you ( the real word without symbols). You can do this up to three times in a full game. Each time it will say something different and "things" will happen, like he will give you a new name, which is different each game you do this. Any fun loving adult will appreciate the results.

Holiday Greetings:

When playing the game on holidays, mornings, late nights, and Friday and Saturday nights, you will get a special greeting. Reset your computer clock to do this.

Easter Eggs:

Start a one player game to get on the high score screen. Keep pressing B at the high-score screen and continue to do this during the commercials. After the initial few commercials you will get to the bloopers.

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