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Quake II Cheats For Macintosh

999 Health:
Push the tilde [~] key to bring up the console. Type 'give health 999' and hit [Enter]. If you collect other health items, your health will go back to 100.

Secret Level Unit 1, Level 3:
Go to level 3 in the first unit and walk forward until you see a large pool. Kill the two Light Guards and the Enforcer that patrol the area, and grab the re-breather that they are guarding. To activate it, press the B button. Now wade into the pool and slip through the crack in floor while ducking. Next, look for a narrow tunnel that will lead you to a tiny oasis. Push the Space Bar until you discover a small secret room where two bodies lie next to an elevator. Step over corpses and use the elevator to descend to a secret level.

Secret Room Behind Waterfall Unit 5:
Go to the area where you see a waterfall in the Receiving Center, Unit 5. Get a running start and jump over the ledge into the falls. You should land in a small corridor.

Changing the Crosshair:
Push the tilde [~] key and type, 'Crosshair' and a value between 1 and 5 all without spaces (e.g. Crosshair3), then hit [Enter].

Changing the Gravity:
Push the Tilde [~] key and type, 'Sv_gravity' with the gravitational value (normal gravity being 800) without spaces (e.g. Sv_gravity, then hit [Enter].

Give Command:
The Give command brings out an item or object, player or enemy. To give an object, push the tilde [~] key and type "Givex" where x is the desired object. A few examples are listed below:

Armor Shard
Blue Key
Body Armor
Combat Armor
Commanders Head
Power Cube
Power Shield
Red Key
Security Pass

ID's Quake II Staff Gallery:
To view pictures of the Quake 2 staff, beat the final boss. Search for a stress fracture that formed during the last fight. Shoot the broken ground and enter the crawl space.

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