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Chronicles of Narnia Cheats For Nintendo DS

All Blessings:
Press Left, Up, A, B, Right, Down, X, Y during game play.

All skills at maximum:
Press A, Left, Right, B, Down, Up, X(2) during game play.

Maximum attributes:
Press Left, B, Up, Y, Down, X, Right, A during game play.

All costumes:
Press A, X, Y, B, Up(3), Down during game play.

Extra money:
Press Up, X, Up, X, Down, B, Down, B during game play.

Restore health:
Press Left, Right, Up, Down, A(4) during game play.

Stronger attacks:
Press A, Up, B, Down, X(2), Y(2) during game play.

Restore health:
When you meet the Druid and do a quest for her, she will teach Lucy Healing Waters. When Lucy is selected, go to the Pan Pipes screen and draw a V on the Coridal Touchscreen. Everyone that is with you will recover 10 HP.

Help in fights:
Once you meet the Dwarf and do one of his quests, he will teach Lucy Dwarf Digger. When Lucy is selected, go to the Pan Pipes screen and play (1-2-3). A Red Dwarf will appear and help you fight for fifteen seconds.

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