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Age of Empires: Rise of Rome Cheats For Personal Computer

 Press Enter, then type in these cheats... 
big bertha:             - Big Catapults
bigdaddy		- Car with Rocket Launcher
big momma		- Creates a car with nuke launcher
black rider:            - Transforms Horse Archer into a Black Rider. 
                          When killed, it will turn into a Heavy Catapult.
coinage:                - 1000 gold
convert this!		- Creates a priest that kills the enemy with lightning
diediedie:              - All enemies die
dark rain:              - Makes Adv Bowmen turn into trees when standing still and they 
			  can walk on water.
e=mc2 trooper:          - Trooper that fires a nuclear missile
flying dutchman:        - Juggernauts turn into the Flying Dutchman 
gaia:                   - Control the Animals (you lose control of the humans) 
grantlinkspence 	- Animals can kill with one bite
hari kari:              - Suicide
home run:               - Win the Scenario
hoyohoyo:               - Priests get lots of speed and 600 hit points
icbm:                   - Ballista has range of 100
jack be nimble:         - Select a Catapult and enter this cheat. The
                          Catapult will then fire cows, super villagers with capes(and no
                          pants!), or tumbling villagers, depending on orientation.
killx:                  - Where 'X' Is The Players Position (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
king arthur		- Turns birds into dragons
medusa:                 - Villagers become medusa. When a villager is killed, he becomes
                          a black rider. And if he is killed again, the
                          villager becomes a heavy catapult
no fog:                 - Removes Fog of War
pepperoni pizza:        - 1000 food
photon man:             - Get a 'Nuke Trooper' (guy with a laser gun) 
pow			- Createa a baby on a trike with a gun
quarry:                 - 1000 stone
resign:                 - You resign
reveal map:             - The complete map is revealed
steroids:               - Instant Build
stormbilly		- Creates a mechwarrior
woodstock:              - 1000 wood

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