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Braid Cheats For Personal Computer

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Unlockable           How to Unlock
ClosureComplete the game.
Solved World 2Fit together all the world 2 puzzle pieces and align the puzzle in its frame.
Solved World 3Fit together all the world 3 puzzle pieces and align the puzzle in its frame.
Solved World 4Fit together all the world 4 puzzle pieces and align the puzzle in its frame.
Solved World 5Fit together all the world 5 puzzle pieces and align the puzzle in its frame.
Solved World 6Fit together all the world 6 puzzle pieces and align the puzzle in its frame.
Speed RunComplete a full speed run, beating the challenge time.
Traversed World 2Travel all the way across World 2.
Traversed World 3Travel all the way across World 3.
Traversed World 4Travel all the way across World 4.
Traversed World 5Travel all the way across World 5.
Traversed World 6Travel all the way across World 6.

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