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Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway Cheats For Personal Computer

Cheat Codes

Select the "Enter Codes" option at the main menu and enter one of the following codes

Code                                       Effect
0ZNDRBICRAAll recon points
HI9WTPXSUKBonus online characters
SH2VYIVNZF or 4V35JZHQD6Kilroy alert
GIMMECHAPTERSUnlock all chapters

Console Cheats

Note:The following procedures involves editing a game file. Make sure to create a backup copy of the file before proceeding.

Locate the DefaultInput.ini file in your install folder SumacGameConfig folder.
Using Notepad, change the following lines:

[Engine.Console] ConsoleKey= TypeKey= MaxScrollbackSize=1024 HistoryBot=-1 to: [Engine.Console] ConsoleKey=TAB TypeKey=TAB MaxScrollbackSize=1024 HistoryBot=-1

While playing, press [TAB] to bring up the console. Type any of the following
cheat codes. You may need to re-bind any functions that use the TAB key in-game for this method to work. When you run the game after modifying this file, the game may ask if you would like to update your DefaultInput.ini file. CHOOSE YES OR THE CHEATS WILL NOT WORK.

Code                      Effect
flyFly Mode
allammoFull Ammo
godGod Mode
ghostNo Clipping
walkWalk Mode

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