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Call Of Duty: United Offensive Cheats For Personal Computer

  • Cheat Codes

    Start the game with the "+set developer 1 +set sv_cheats 1" command line paramenter. Then while playing a game, press ~ to display the console window. Enter one of the following codes at the console window to activate the corresponding cheat function. Repeat a code to disable its effect.

    Result Cheat Code
    Full healthgive health
    Get all itemsgive all
    Extra ammunitiongive ammo
    Ignored by enemynotarget
    No clipping modenoclip
    Fly modeufo
    Toggle debug modedebug [0-1]
    Toggle developer modedeveloper [0-1]
    Teleport to a specific map nodejumptonode
    Play indicated mapmap [map name]
    Spawn indicated itemgive [item name]
    List all cvarscvarlist
    Dump all cvars to consolecvardump
    Reset all cvarscvar_restart
    List all console commandscmdlist
    List all shaders of current mapshaderlist
    List all images of current mapimagelist
    List all sounds currently usedsnd_list
    List all entities currently usedentitylist
    List all currently bound keysbindlist
    View graphics informationgfxinfo
    Commit suicidekill
    Save gamesavegame
    Load saved gameloadgame
    Reset variable to default valuereset [variable name]
    Play a cinematic filecinematic
    Set crosshair transparency; default is 1.0cg_crosshairAlpha [number]
    Set gravity value; default is 800g_gravity [number]
    Set HUD transparency; default is 1.0cg_hudAlpha [number]
    Set seconds that dead bodies remain on-screenai_corpsecount [number]
    Set shellshock durationcg_shellshock [number]
    Set skill levelg_gameSkill [number]
    Set weapon knockback power; default is 1000g_knockback [number]
    Set game speed; 0.5 is half speed, 1 is defaulttimescale [number]
    Show miss distance when hitting NPCscg_showMiss [0-1]
    Spawn indicated modeltestmodel [model name]
    Free movement while pausedcl_paused 2
    Return to normal paused screencl_paused 0
    Toggle AIg_ai [0 or 1]
    Toggle bullet debug modeg_debugBullets [0 or 1]
    Toggle bullet markscg_marks [0 or 1]
    Toggle console debugging.con_debug [0 or 1]
    Toggle crosshaircg_drawCrosshair [0 or 1]
    Toggle ejecting shellscg_brass [0 or 1]
    Toggle entity bounding boxesg_drawEntBBoxes v
    Toggle fogr_fog [0 or 1]
    Toggle framerate displaecg_drawFPS [0 or 1]
    Toggle FXfx_draw [0 or 1]
    Toggle FX debugging.fx_debug [0 or 1]
    Toggle FX freezingfx_freeze [0 or 1]
    Toggle fx. If set to 0, fx will be disabledfx_enable [0 or 1]
    Toggle game timercg_drawTimer [0 or 1]
    Toggle hit debug modeg_debugShowHit [0 or 1]
    Toggle HUDcg_drawStatus [0 or 1]
    Toggle HUD and crosshaircg_draw2D [0 or 1]
    Toggle letterbox formatcg_letterbox [0 or 1]
    Toggle NPC health display g_debugDamage [0 or 1]
    Toggle objects and backgroundsr_drawWorld [0 or 1]
    Toggle objects and NPCsr_drawEntities [0 or 1]
    Toggle player and AI movement debug modeg_debugMove [0 or 1]
    Toggle player and AI movement debuggingcl_debugMove [0 or 1]
    Toggle rendringcg_noRender [0 or 1]
    Toggle shadows.cg_shadows [0 or 1]
    Toggle spawningg_spawnai [0 or 1]
    Toggle subtitlescg_subtitles [0 or 1]
    Toggle third person viewcg_thirdPerson [0 or 1]
    Toggle vehicle debug modeg_vehicleDebug [0 or 1]
    Toggle wireframe moder_showtris [0 or 1]
    Unknowndebug_tankall [0 or 1]
    Unknownchain [0 or 1]
    Unknownai_nocriticalsections [0 or 1]
    Unknowncg_skybox [0 or 1]
    Unknowncg_stats [0 or 1]
    Unknowncg_noPredict [0 or 1]
    Unknowncg_ignore [0 or 1]
    Unknowncl_run [0 or 1]
    Unknowncl_running [0 or 1]
    Unknowndmflags [0 or 1]

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