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Cybermercs Cheats For Personal Computer

  • Cheat Codes

    While playing a game, press [Alt] + [F12] to display the key prompt. Then, type "wlrnwhdakf" or "doomsday" to enable cheat mode. If you entered the code correctly, the phrase "Cheatcode Enable" will appear. Press [Alt] + [F12] followed by [Enter], then type one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:

    Enable invincibilityinvulnerable on
    Disable invincibilityinvulnerable off
    Enable one hit killsonekill on
    Disable one hit killsonekill off
    Disable timertime off
    Enable timer againtime on
    Extra moneymoney [1 - 999]
    Adjust character's damage strengthhit [1 - 999]
    Adjust character's strengthstr [1 - 999]
    Adjust character's intelligenceint [1 - 999]
    Adjust character's dexteritydex [1 - 999]

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