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Grand Theft Auto IV Cheats For Personal Computer

Cell Phone Codes

Pull out Niko's phone any time during game and dial the following numbers for the desired effect.

***Cheats will affect missions and achievements.***

468-555-0100                   Change weather
486-555-0150Get a different selection of weapons
486-555-0100Get a selection of weapons
267-555-0150Raise wanted level
267-555-0100Remove wanted level
362-555-0100Restore armour
482-555-0100Restore health, armor, and ammo
948-555-0100Song information
227-555-0142Spawn a Cognoscenti
227-555-0175Spawn a Comet
938-555-0100Spawn a Jetmax
625-555-0150Spawn a Sanchez
227-555-0168Spawn a SuperGT
227-555-0147Spawn a Turismo
359-555-0100Spawn an Annihiliator
227-555-0100Spawn an FIB Buffalo
625-555-0100Spawn an NRG-900

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