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Guitar Hero: Aerosmith Cheats For Personal Computer

Go to "Options" and then go to "Cheats." Strum each of the following notes/chords in order as if you were playing to enter the cheat.
Air Guitar Cheat CodeRY, GR, RY, RY, RB, RB, RB, RB, RB, YB, YB, YO
Hyperspeed Code - Adjust the speed at which gems come down the screen.YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, RY, RY, RY, RY, RB, RB, RB, RB, RB, YB, YO, YO
Large Gems Code - The gems appear much larger on the fretboard.G, R, G, Y, G, B, G, O, G, B, G, Y, G, R, G, GR, RY, GR, YB, GR, BO, GR, YB, GR, RY, GR, GY
No Fail Cheat Code - You can’t fail.GR, B, GR, GY, B, GY, RY, O, RY, GY, Y, GY, GR
Performance Mode Code - The heads up display is disabled.GR, GR, RO, RB, GR, GR, RO, RB
Precision Mode Code - You have to be more precise when hitting the notes.RY, RB, RB, RY, RY, YB, YB, YB, RB, RY, RB, RB, RY, RY, YB, YB, YB, RB
Unlock All Cheat Code - Unlocks EverythingRY, GR, GR, RY, RY, GR, RY, RY, GR, GR, RY, RY, GR, RY, RB

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