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Hellfire Cheats For Personal Computer

Bard, Cows, and Treasure:

First, create a text file named "command.txt" using the Windows NotePad and put it in your Hellfire directory. Next, place the following lines in command.txt:

multitest cowquest theoquest bardtest barbariantest

This enables the Bard character class, two new quests, and LAN/Modem games (without needing the patch).

BARDTEST: Gives you a Bard character. Looks like the Rouge but can use 2 One Handed weapons at the same time.

THEOQUEST: A little girl should appear in the village. If you complete her quest, she'll give you some treasure.

COWQUEST: The farmer in the village will be replaced by a cow. Complete his quest, and he will give you the "Bovine Armor".

BARBARIANTEST: Gives Barbarian class. He has no magical abilities but can wield two handed weapons in one hand.

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