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Imperium Romanum Cheats For Personal Computer

1. Start game.
2. While ingame, pick and type any of the following codes, for their
desired options. Cheat codes has to be case sensitive.

chfreebuild = Free Building
chnofire = Fire will never occur
chnoplague = Plague will never occur
chnoriots = Riots will never occur
chgivemeall = Will give you 1000 of everything
chstartfire = Starts fire
chstopfire = Stops fire
chstartplague = Starts plague
chcureall = Cure everyone
chnofood = Food is not produced
chnomaterials = Materials is not produced
chwin = Win senario
challhistory = Unlocks History Timeline
chnobarbarian = Barbarians wont attack
chstartbarbarian = Start barbarians attacks
chstopbarbarian = Stop barbarians attacks
chnocrime = No more crime in town
chstartriot = Starts riots
chstopriot = Stop riots
chtimemaster = ?
chnomorale = Morale is not produced


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