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Interstate '82 Cheats For Personal Computer

Strategy Guide

  • Cheat Codes

    While playing a game, press [Esc], type one of the following codes, then press [Esc] again to activate the corresponding cheat function:

    God mode for current vehicleCUDDLE
    God mode for all friendly vehiclesHUGS
    Full ammoCARESS
    Mission skipIMLAME
    Destroy currently targeted vehicleKISS
    Destroy all opponents on radarLOVE
    Freeze CPU vehiclesSYRUP
    Freeze time for CPUMRFREEZE

  • Cheat mode

    Create an empty file with one of the following names in game's main directory to activate the corresponding cheat function:

    Foreign cars selectable in multi-player modezz_autobahn.cfg
    Load any mission from existing savezz_airlift.cfg
    No money limit in the trip missionszz_creditline.cfg

  • New weapons

    Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Using a text editor, edit the "User" file in the game directory. Edit the file to match the desired weapons. If needed, use one of the text files in the "Variants" sub-directory as a template.

  • New vehicle

    Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Reach the end of mission screen with the customize, quit, and continue options. Then, press [Alt] + [Tab] to return to Windows. Use Windows Explorer to enter the "Variant" sub-directory in the game directory. The files in this directory represent various vehicles in the game. A text editor can be used to view the contents. After selecting a new vehicle from one of the "Variant" files, copy that file into the main game directory. Delete the "User" file in the main game directory, then rename the copied "Variant" file to "User". Press [Alt] + [Tab] to resume the game with the new vehicle.

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