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Kudos Rock Legend Cheats For Personal Computer

Cheat Codes

First, you must edit the Kudos Rock Legend config.txt file located within your :Program FilesKudos Rock LegendData folder.
Open the file with notepad. For the best results do not exceed the percentage parameters.

Note: Be sure to save and backup your original config.txt  before changing anything in case you mess something up. Use the codes and list specifications as a guideline within your congif.txt

RS_CHANCE_BUY_CD_AT_GIG = 0.???100%Quality gig required, and new CD with all new songs required. Chance of album being bought. Don't set above .4 for realistic measure.
RS_INITIAL_SONGS = ??? can be set to anything under 10Allows you to change how many free songs you start with
SLEEP_DURATION = 15.00 can be set to 5.00 and not below it.Alters sleep cycle to a fractional nap time. Bands don't get sleep. Not part of the rockstar life.
RS_CHANCE_BUY_CD_OLD = 0.???Chance of buying an old cd at a gig when the album is over 10 weeks is altered through this percentage.
RS_PUBLICITY_TOOTIRED = 0.??? (do not exceed 0.99)Controls the tolerance of the band members before quitting public events.
RS_ALBUM_PRICE = 11.99Default is 11.99, control your album prices on the raw distribution scale. Does not effect advances or pay backs.
RS_GIG_CANCEL_EXPENSES_PERCENTAGE = 0.???Even if the gig is cancelled or missed, this percentage pertains to the overall expense anyways.
GAME_DURATION_YEARS = 5 should be set to 30Game ends after a real rock career instead of within an hour and a half of gameplay.
RS_ABILITY_DEGRADE = 0.???How well your musician remembers their instrument. Do not exceed .99999 (infinite)
RS_STARTINGCASH = ???.????Infinite money trick can be implemented here. 33.0 is the default value. Get freaky!
RS_DEMOCD_HAPPINESS = 0.???Motivation factor for new cd being mixed.
RS_ALBUM_ARTIST_SHARE = 0.???Originally set to .78 this value controls the share of your album pay. Think royalties.
RS_RELAX_TIREDNESS = -0.???The amount that shaves fatigue by each day off.
RS_MIN_QUALITY_CLASSIC_SONG = 0.???The bare minimum value for which a song can become a classic.
RS_CHARITY_GIG_MULTIPLIER = 0.???Try 0.7 Charity gigs aren't free. And most celebrities use them to highlight their career. Make A Wish uses artists like P.Diddy and other legends.

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