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Neverwinter Nights 2 Cheats For Personal Computer

During gameplay, press ~ to bring up the console. Type Debugmode 1 to enable the following codes:

irolltwenties20 in every statistic.
givefeat #Add the feat to your currently selected character (2-500)
givexp [-ve #]Decreases your experience points by the value entered
resetlevelsDelevel you if your experience points is near to 0
givespell #Gives a spell identified by it's id number to the character.
giveitem [item tag]Gives active player item
givexp #Gives the desired amount of XP to your character.
dm_givegold #Gives the desired amount of gold to your character.
rs ga_influence (x,y)Raises influence level for that companion.
rs ga_party_limit(#)Raises the amount of party members to given number
rs ga_time_advance(Hours,Min,Sec,Milli)Advance time by Hours, Minutes, Seconds and Milliseconds
SetCHA #Set charisma to given number.
SetCON #Set constitution to given number.
SetDEX #Set dexterity to given number.
SetSTR #Set strength to given number.
SetWIS #Set wisdom to given number.

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