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StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty Cheats For Personal Computer

Lost Viking Cheats

Enter these codes in the chat box while in the Lost Viking mini-game. The Lost Viking mini-game can be accessed by left-clicking the arcade cabinet in the Cantina, and the chat box can be opened by pressing Enter. Note: The dashes that precede most of the codes must be entered as well.

Effect Code
Adds an amount 'x' to the current score -score x
Adds one life to the current amount -ADDLIFE
Changes the background -mb
Clears the current level -LEVELCLEAR
Displays the "Boss Incoming" message -ssDS
Displays the sine of three angles: 180, 90, and pi sine
Ends the map -BONUS
Hides the "Quit" button -NOQUIT
Makes the boss appear -BOSS
Sends a wave of enemies behind
Sets number of lives to 10 -LIFE
Shows the ending cinematic -end
Spawns a power-up at the center of the screen -pu


Press enter during gameplay to bring up a message prompt. Type in the following code to get the desired effect. Warning: These codes disable Achievements.

Effect Code
5,000 Vespene Gas realmendrilldeep
disable victory condition tyuhasleftthegame
Disables tech requirements SoSayWeAll
Gives 5,000,000 credits whysoserious
granted resources jaynestown
Invincibility and increased damage terribleterribledamage
Opens cutscene menu eyeofsauron
Plays the song "Terran up the Night" OverEngineeredCodPiece
Units/Structures no longer cost resources moredotsmoredots
Upgrades Weapons, Armor (and Shields) by 1 IAmIronman

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