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Stronghold 3 Cheats For Personal Computer


Defensive Tips
Here are some defensive tips that will help when enemies start attacking you.

- Place archers on towers, as this will help give them extra range when enemies get close to your castle.

- Utilize traps to your advantage. Use pitch ditches at the right time to devastate your opposition. You can also use traps to dwindle the numbers of enemy archers before they make it to your walls.

- Make sure to have some kind of defenses on all sides, so the enemy doesn't surprise you when attacking your weak sides.

- Place braziers on wall, so you can use flaming arrows, which do more damage. Also, section off parts of your castle and line the walls with archers; this will make sure that enemies coming from that direction are swarmed with arrows.

- Don't forget about bears and wolves, as they can wreak havoc on your town if you don't know they're coming.

- Strategically place walls so that attackers that aren't backed up by siege equipment are tricked into traps and swarmed by ranged attacks.

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