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Supreme Commander Cheats For Personal Computer

Cheat mode:
Alright, you're gonna have to make changes to a game file to use this first set of cheats. MAKE A BACKUP FIRST!!

1. Open the game.prefs file in the following directory:

Drive:documents and settings[username]local settingsapplication datagas powered gamessupremecommander

2. At the start of the file, add the following lines:

debug = {
enable_debug_facilities = true,
cheatenable = 1

3. Save the file, start the game. Press ~ to bring up the console, then enter one of the following cheats for the corresponding effect.

TeleportTeleport selected units to pointer location
BlingBlingIncrease your storage capacity by 10,000 and fills camps
SallyShears Toggle full map
Nodamage Toggle no more damage
KillAllAll units and buildings killed with death animations
DestroyAllAll units and buildings killed without death animations
KillKill unit or building with death animation
DestroyKill unit or building without death animation
Show actShows extra information at the left edge of screen
PopupCreatUnitMenu Unit creation menu
SetFocusArmyPlayer <-1 to 7> Take over other player; -1 is spectators.
Sim_gravity Change gravity; 4,9 is default.
SetArmyColor Change the player color
DamageUnit Damage indicated unit; use negative value to heal
ai_freebuildUnits, buildings, and research completed instantly
ai_instabuildUnits, buildings, and research are free
RenameUnit Give name to selected unit
IN_BindKey Assign console command to key(s)
IN_DumpKeyNames Shows all key bindings
WLD_gamespeed <-10 to 10> Change game speed
WLD_resetsimrate Set game speed to default
WLD_increasesimrate Increase game speed by 1
WLD_decreasesimrate Decrease game speed by 1
Quit Return to main menu
ExitExit to Windows

Multiplayer/Skirmish Cheats:
You've got to set cheats to 'On' in the setup menu to access these cheats.

[Ctrl] + [Alt] + BMax out resources, +10,000 to resource caps
[Ctrl] + Delete Delete units
[Alt] + F2Spawn Menu
[Alt] + NToggle Damage
[Alt] + AToggle Opponent AI

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