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Tropico 4 Cheats For Personal Computer


Modern Times DLC Cheats

While in-game, hold down the "Shift" key and type out the code. Activating any of these codes will disable achievements for your savegame.

  • pesosgrande - Adds $1,000,000 to your budget.
  • zeitgeist - Unlocks all Modern Times buildings.

Game Cheats

You will need to hold the SHIFT key down and type the codes below while in-game.

Effect Code
+20 to relations with the US whiskey
+20 to relations with the USSR vodka
-20 to relations with the US nowhiskey
20 to relations with the USSR novodka
Activates a Tornado Outbreak tornadilla
Activates Drought Disaster drough
Activates Earthquake Disaster earthquake
Activates Fire Disaster fuego
Activates Hurricane Disaster hurricane
Activates Oil Spill Disaster oilspill
Activates Tornado Disaster tornado
Activates Tsunami Disaster tsunami
Activates Volcano Eruption volcano
Adds 10,000 dollars to your spending money muchopesos
Instant construction speedygonzales
Instant win elpollodiablo
Maximizes all workers' experience and students graduate instantly dinggratz
No prerequisites for edicts iamthestate
Raises happiness values of all Tropicans by 10 pachangasi
Raises tourism rating to 100 twoheadedllama
Triggers a Bomb Threat vivala3
Triggers a Hostage Crisis vivala2
Triggers a Military Coup generalpenultimo
Triggers a Random Subversive Activity vivala0
Triggers a Rebel Attack on a building cheguevara
Triggers a Rebel Attack on the Palace downwiththetyrant
Triggers a Worker Strike vivala4
Triggers an Assassination Attempt vivala1
Triggers an Uprising civilwar
Triggers Media Occupation vivala5
Unlock all missions trabajono

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