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Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War Cheats For Personal Computer

Note: To use the following cheat you must edit a game file. Before doing so, remember to make a back-up of the file.

Level select:
Open "campaignstate.lua" in the " dawn of warprofiles(your profile)w40ksingleplayer campaignstate1" folder then find the lines "maxmission =" and "scenario =". Change the values of these two lines to the number that corresponds to the level you want to play.

Quit Option:
Say you're in-game, having problems, and need to quit (extreme lag, incoming asteroid, etc.). Bring up the console with Ctrl + Shift + ~. Enter quit as a command, and you're free!

Cheat codes:
Press Ctrl + Shift + ~ while playing and enter the following.

cheat_power( n ) Get n amount of power
cheat_requisition( n ) Get n amount of requisition points
cheat_revealallTurn fog of war off

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