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World of Warcraft Cheats For Personal Computer

Easy Warlock Kills:

Not really a "cheat" but i have found that it is very easy to kill mosters with a warlock by using immolation, curse of agony, corruption and any other damage over time spells you have and then using fear after the damage spells are cast. The monster runs away dying slowly over time and you don't even have to fight it.

Escape from land battles:

When you are fighting a land creature
( Wolves, bears, most NPC's, etc. ) and are around a deep ( diveable ) body of water you can jump in and dive down and regenerate some of your life, use heal spells, etc. The creature/person will remain agro'd, but on shore. This WILL NOT work on creatures that live in the water obviously, ( Murlocs, Crocs, etc. ) but it can get the heat off of you long enough to save your life.

Easy Gold:

Best Place I have so far for acquiring lots of gold is Thelgen Rock,Wetlands: follow the road from Menethil Harbor east and go towards Dun Algaz. It will be on the western side of the road before you actually hit Dun Algaz. The spiders are lvl 22-23, easy to kill and there are tons of then, inside and out of the cave. Below is a list of the drops and what they sell for.

Gooey Spider Leg 10 1s 20c
Spider Ichor 10 1s 60c
Crisp Spider Leg 10 5s
Fist Sized Spinneret 10 5s 60c
Large Venom Sack 05 9s 25c
Spider Palp 05 16s 55c
Spider Silk 10 38s 70c

Total if you had 1 of each stack = 77s 90c
And the spider silk is highly sought after by craftsmen and sell in the Auction House for as little a 1gold each stack.

I do alot of these runs and net 3-4 gold each run and it takes about 1 to 1 1/2 hours to fill 60 slots to max. A little time and patience and you will be a few gold richer.

Hotkeys/Diving/Talents or Skills:

When you start a character, make sure you no what weapon your going to use throughout the whole game. It is hard to change weapons when use gotten far in this game. When your character reaches lvl 10, he will get talent points. U can access by pushing the "N" key on the
keyboard. Yo can upgrade whatever u want, its like an extra skill that don't cost anything.

U can only have 1 gathering skill or 1 trading skill, or 2 of either. The gathering skills are:


Trade skills are:

Leatherworking (supported by skinning)
Alchemy (supported by herbalism)
Blacksmithing (supported by mining)
Engineering (supported by mining)
Tailoring (supported by killing humaniods for linen)

There r also secondary skills and miscellaneous skills, like:

Fishing (secondary)
Cooking (secondary)
First aid (miscellaneous)
Enchanting (miscellaneous)

These skills above don't take up any slots for your other, more main, skills. All of these skills are taught to you by skill trainers around the world.

U should match the skills with the corresponding classes:

Druid: Skinning & Leatherworking or Herbalism & alchemy or mining and engineering.

Rogue: same as druid.

Shamen: same as druid.

Hunter: same as druid.

Paladin: Mining & Blacksmithing or engineering & mining.

Warrior: same as paladin

Priest: Herbalism & alchemy or engineering and mining or tailoring.

Mage: same as priest.

Warlock: same as priest.

When your in water, to dive you have to hold down the right mouse button and tilt the camera the way you want to dive. To get up out of the water, just jump, or push the spacebar (default to jump) to rise.

Mining Hints (Alliance)

If your a starting miners here's some tips where to get some ores, how much you should buy or sell them for, and what some do.

Copper- Copper is found through out Elywnn forest and Dun Morogh especially in the mines, copper is the starting base of mining and can be used for many things, even some advanced items, such as the ironforge breastplate, but more importantly for making bronze. id sell 20 bars with a bid of 6 and a buyout of 8.

Tin- I find most of my tin in duskwood or westfall, u can also find tin in lock modan though. In westfall the mine gold coast quarry and the dead miens have abot a 50% of having copper, a 45% of tin, and a 5% of silver, that's what I think is about right. Also tin is found allover duskwood and id say 50% of tin, 20% of iron, 20% of copper, and about 10% of silver in duskwood. Tin cannot make any items and is only for making bronze. I don't think tin is worth selling, i think you hould smelt it into bronze then sell it.

Bronze- Bronze cannot be mined and is only for making items,when you smelt 1 copper and 1 tin, you get 2 bronze bars. Now, you can get ALOT of money from selling bronze, to venders and people, but not not raw material to venders. For instance, there is a blueprint that makes rough bronze leggings, and the leggings sell for 10 silver to vender, and it requires 6 bronze to make. thats 3 tin, and 3 copper, so if u find about 1 copper vein and 1 tin vein, (saying you get 3 from both) that's 10 silver right there. I'd sell bronze 20 bars for a bid of 22 and buyout of 30 or so.

Silver- A pretty much useless material it doesn't make anything, only addsinto bronze in items that are silvered, and it only makes 2 items ot of silver alone, silver keys and silver rods. Silver is in westfall and duskwood, and i have found it in hillsbrad and other places also. id sell silver about 3-10 coins a piece.

Iron- This is very valuable to alot of people and makes some good things, i find almost all of my iron in duskwood inside the ogre cavern. It is usually on the higher grounds and is worth alot, but you can also take a lump of coal and turn it into steel. I would sell 1 iron bar for a bid of 15 silver and buyout 20, i get alot of money from it.

Gold- Also pretty useless, you can make keys and rods out of it but not much more, vie never actually miend it but i do know that it is found in the searing gorge and all those other mordorish looking places, you can get a view on it sometimes on a grpyhon from ironforge to stormwind. Id sell 1 bar for abotu 25 silver bid and 35 silver buyout, but im not really good with gold so you should do what you think is a good price.

Steel- Smelt a lump of coal that you can buy from vendors for 5 silver and some iron and you got some steel. Steel actually sells for less then iron does to vendors, even though the coal is added. Steel is used in very strong items that high levels use, and is quite expensive to make. U should sell 20 steel for about 2.5 gold or so because u might sell 20 iron for 1 gold 50 silver, plus all that coal costs 1 gold, so if your exhalted (reputation) u could make alot of money doing this.

Mithril- This is for high level people and can be found in the searing gorge, burnignteps, and all those places. Mithril sort of has a silverish yellow taint to it, and has to be used in quests that require over 200 bars which can cost you a LOT of time. Mithril is often combined with truesilver. mithril should be sold for about 50 silver to 1 gold a piece.

Truesilver- A vry hard material to find, truesilver is sort of a silver to bronze, it is just an addition that strengthens a weapon. I don't know much about this material so you should sell it however you think is right. I do know though, Truesilver is a real material and what it is is Sivler without any content of tin in it, so is very valuable. All other silver has a bit of tin and other non valuable materials, truesilver doesn't.

Thorium- The most valuable ore in the game, Thorium is found along with mithril in the searing gorge and areas like such. It glows turquoise in a way. There is a rumor i have heard that in order to where thorium armors, u must smelt 1 lead ore that is found by high level miner enemies (such as kobalds) into your armor. This could make sense, seeing as how thorium is a radioactive material, but i dont know about this.

5 steps to make a guild of your own!

Find a Guildmaster NPC in any of the major cities.
Acquire a Guild Charter from the Guildmaster for 10 silver.
Have 9 other players sign the Guild Charter.
Return the Guild Charter to any Guildmaster.
You have a guild!

Easy Find Copper:

In the Elwynn Forest area (the zone where humans start) There's an area between the "triangle" of paths, one leading to Northshire, one to Stormwind, go in between up to the mountains, but don't go up them. Copper often spawns here, and you can kill time by collecting linen cloth from the Defias Cutpursses often spawning there.

Easy Elwynn Riches:

In Goldshire of Elwynn Forest, to the south is the Fargodeep mine, if you have the patience to spend a lot of time here, you'll come across some very good riches, such as Linen Cloths, Magic Staffs that sell a lot, even a good mallet, also there are copper veins that
spawn sometimes. If you have a character on Feathermoon, look up Berenor if you want to know more or need someone to show ya.

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