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X-Men Origins: Wolverine Cheats For Personal Computer

Unlockable God Mode + Maxed Out Talents/Abilites

Go to the X-Men Origins - Wolverine (TM)WGameConfig folder and open DefaultGame.ini. Now find the line that says mCombatHeroIsGod=False and change false to true. This will turn on God Mode. Now find the line that says mCheatTalentsMax=False and, once again change false to true. When you start, or restart your game the cheats you turned on will take effect.

Cheat Method:
Go to "My Documents". Locate the Folder "Wolverine" \ "WConfig" \ "Config". Open the "WGame.ini" with Notepad.

Search for [WGame.WUIViewportClient]

There are the following options. Set them to true, if you want to activate them.

mCombatHeroIsGod = God Mode
mCombatHeroUndying = Advanced God Mode (No dying if you'd die instantly)
mCheatTalentsMax = All talents

Faster Enemy Reflex:
Insert an Xbox 360 controller. Press A, A, X, X, Y, Y, B, B, Y, Y, X, X, A, A, click Right Analog-stick during game play. You will gain double reflex with every kill.

Unlimited Rage:
Insert an Xbox 360 controller. Press Y, X, X, Y, B, B, Y, A, A, Y, click Right Analog-stick during game play.

Insert an Xbox 360 controller. Press X, A, A, X, Y, Y, X, B, B, X, click Right Analog-stick during game play. Although you will lose health you cannot die.

Wolverine's Classic Yellow and Blue Costume:
Insert an Xbox 360 controller. Press A, X, B, X, A, Y, A, Y, A, X, B, B, X, click the Right Analog-stick during game play while Wolverine is on screen and controllable. Then, exit to the main menu and switch costumes.

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