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Batman: Arkham City Cheats For Playstation 3


Nightwing Bundle Pack: Unlockable - Trophies
There are 2 Bronze Trophies.
Campaign Nightwing (Bronze) - Obtain 114 medals on the original Arkham City and Nightwing Bundle Pack campaigns (as Nightwing)
Nightwing Revenge (Bronze) - Obtain 78 medals on the original Arkham City and Nightwing Bundle Pack ranked maps (as Nightwing)

Scarecrow Hideout
Go on top of a boat near the industrial district (the boat should be near two cranes). While on the boat, take out the cryptographic sequencer and use it. Letters will appear instead of the radio stations. Turn the letters until it reads "City Of Terror." A secret passage on the boat will open. Go down into the boat to find hundreds of roaches, a medical order form addressed to Jonathan Crane, and a Scarecrow victim who will squirm if you zoom in on him.

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