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Damnation Cheats For Playstation 3


Enter the following codes in the "UNLOCKABLES" section

Password                       Effect
LincolnsTopHatBig Head Mode
PeoplePersonCustom Character (Select the character model you play as)
LockNLoadCustom Loadout (Unlock all weapons and select which ones you want for Left, Right and Pistol)
RevenantInsane Difficulty
BlowOffSomeSteamUnlock The Most Powerfull Weapon

Unlock the Ultimate Steampunk Weapon

Go to the unlockables menu and enter BlowOffSomeSteam to unlock the games ultimate weapon.


Unlockable                                            How to Unlock
Arrowtree - Casual (Bronze)Complete Arrowtree on Casual.
Arrowtree - Hardcore (Silver)Complete Arrowtree on Hardcore.
Arrowtree - Insane (Gold)Complete Arrowtree on Insane.
Boomtown - Casual (Bronze)Complete Boomtown on Casual.
Boomtown - Hardcore (Silver)Complete Boomtown on Hardcore.
Boomtown - Insane (Gold)Complete Boomtown on Insane.
Double Time (Bronze)Complete any chapter after Arrowtree in Co-op on any difficulty
Dumb Luck (Bronze)Kill 5 enemies at once with explosive damage.
Emblematic (Gold)Collected 20 Emblems.
Finders Keepers (Silver)Collect 10 Emblems.
Found It! (Bronze)Collect 1 Emblem.
Free Style Walker (Bronze)Chain together any 3 physical abilities in 5 seconds or less.
Master Of All (Platinum)Unlock all Damnation™ Trophies to unlock this Platinum Trophy.
Mesa Dorado - Casual (Bronze)Complete Mesa Dorado on Casual.
Mesa Dorado - Hardcore (Silver)Complete Mesa Dorado on Hardcore.
Mesa Dorado - Insane (Gold)Complete Mesa Dorado on Insane.
Peacemaker (Gold)Complete the Game on Hardcore.
Pedestrian Crossing (Bronze)Kill 20 enemies with a vehicle.
People Skills (Silver)Complete the game in Co-op on any difficulty.
Pyro (Bronze)Kill 20 enemies with explosive damage.
Revenant (Gold)Complete the Game on Insane.
Skeet Shooter (Bronze)Shoot 25 Trip Mines out of the air.
Sniper (Bronze)Get 20 Headshots.
Terra Verte - Casual (Bronze)Complete Terra Verte on Casual.
Terra Verte - Hardcore (Silver)Complete Terra Verte on Hardcore.
Terra Verte - Insane (Gold)Complete Terra Verte on Insane.
Trooper (Silver)Complete the Game on Casual.
Wall Jumper (Bronze)Successfully wall-jump 100 times.
Where'd They Come From? (Bronze)Kill 20 enemies without alerting them.

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